More is more. And IndieDB!
Post date: 20-Nov-2010 22:28:58
More is more. More what? More players.
My apologies for no screenshot during my last announcement, and the general lack of activity lately.
Let me try and make up for it.
This is still all offline (if you don't have PC gamepads yet, you really should get some). But the HUD has been improved to accommodate for a virtually unlimited number of players, which is an important step towards online play. The HUD is also now navigable with the first gamepad (having to use the mouse every time you pause or finish a game when you're already using a gamepad was annoying). Other improvements have been made to make the game more presentable before I add online play in the near future.
I'll be working hard to get a big update out soon. With only 9 days before the Top 50 are determined for this year's Indie of the Year, it's probably too late for me to get anywhere in this year's running with KarBOOM. However, it'll be cool to see how far I get!
By following that link and voting for my game you're showing me support. And I get to see statistics on how many people visit my site, which motivates me to keep working hard!
By following that link you'll find a page with information on my game, including screenshots and the latest downloads. It will generally not be more up-to-date than my own website (where you are now), especially since all files uploaded there have to be checked for viruses and what-not, and that takes time. But, unlike my website, it does let you post comments on screenshots, updates, and the game in general. Your feedback helps me make this game the best it can be!
Finally, by following that link you'll find yourself on an awesome website you may not have heard about before, whose sole purpose is to give you the latest information on the latest and greatest indie games.